Reaching People, Discipling People, and Sending People for Christ in LaPlace and through the world.

A Message From Our Pastor
We are so excited with the opportunity to introduce you to our church. LPFBC consists of people just like you with a desire to know God and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We come from all walks of life and none of us have arrived or are perfect.

In fact, we are all ordinary imperfect people with faults and everyday struggles. But through faith in Jesus Christ, He has transformed our lives. We live trusting Him and living by His Word (Bible). LPFBC is a Southern Baptist Church. We don’t come to church at LPFBC, but we are the church. On Sundays, we strive to provide an opportunity for people just like you to have a life-changing encounter with God.

Our authentic worship leads us to turn our hearts to God and worship only Him. Our preaching is relevant, challenging, and biblically sound. We need a word from God, and we want Him to change our lives. Our fellowship is a community that shares life together. We are family!
Our Mission
Our desire at LPFBC is to be a Great Commission people and a Great Commission church. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age,” (Matthew 28:18-20). We want to be disciples of the Lord Jesus who know Him personally and follow Him daily through reading His Word, prayer, telling others about Him, and being actively involved at LPFBC. We want to be disciples who make other disciples. This is our mission as followers of Christ and as the body of Christ. We are going to reach people for Christ by telling others about Him. We will disciple people in Christ to help them follow Christ. We will send people out for Christ to live on mission through local and global mission efforts around the world. We at LPFBC exist to reach people for Christ, to disciple people in Christ, and to send people out to impact generations in His name.